The Republic of Turkey and the Hellenic Republic, hereinafter called the Parties, Desiring to strengthen and further develop the friendly relations existing between the two peoples, as well as to promote their co-operation in the fields of science and education, culture and arts, sports, youth and mass media, Have agreed upon the following: ARTICLE I The Parties shall take the appropriate measures in order to enhance their cooperation the fields of science and education. To this end, the Parties shall: a) promote and strengthen direct cooperation between their respective institutions of higher education, as well as the scientific and research organizations. b) encourage studies within their respective universities, with a view to promote the teaching of each other’s language and literature, c) exchange members of the teaching and scientific staff of the universities, higher educational and the technological institutions, as well as students, scientists, experts, lecturers and researchers, d) grant scholarships for graduate. post-graduate studies and research, within the availability of their means, e) exchange teachers and experts from the primary and the secondary education, as well as from the administration of education. f) develop joint school activities, school twinnings and exchange of pupils, g) support the participation in seminars and training programmes of language and civilization organized by each Party, h) encourage the participation conferences and congresses organized by Party, i) encourage the exchange of information and experience at every level the education, j) co-operate on the presentation of history, geography, culture and economy of the other country, especially in the school textbooks. To this end, they shall create a Mixed Committee of Experts which shall exchange and study school textbooks, with a view to propose the correction of inaccuracies, k) encourage co-operation between their respective relevant agencies with a view to consider how far and under what conditions degrees, diplomas and certificates issued in the territory of one of them may be accepted as equivalent to corresponding degrees, diplomas and certificates issued in the territory of the other for academic purposes. Any other issue related to educational activities as specified by this Agreement shall be included in this Agreement’s Executive Programmes. ARTICLE 2 The Parties shall support the cooperation between their state archives and libraries. shall facilitate, on a mutual basis, the access of their researchers and experts to them and shall exchange specialists from the aforesaid fields. ARTICLE 3 The Parties shall promote their active and friendly co-operation and mutual assistance in the fields of culture, science and education within UNESCO, OSCE, the Council of Europe and other international organizations, and they shall refrain from actions which are likely to be opposed to the other Party’s interests. ARTICLE 4 The Parties shall encourage the cooperation between the youth organizations of the two countries. They shall also exchange information and experience on youth issues, aiming at the strengthening of bonds of friendship among young people, creating a friendly atmosphere and promoting the cause of peace. ARTICLE 5 The Parties shall develop their cooperation in the field of culture and they shall encourage especially the following: a) initiatives leading to the organization, through the competent authorities of each country, of exhibitions and other cultural events promoting various works of art, b) the presentation of the works of the other Party, including translations, exchange of books, publications and other cultural material, c) the participation of their representatives in international conferences, competitions, festivals and meetings on cultural issues organized by the other Party, d) the development of individual or institutional contacts between the artists and the authors of the two countries and the exchange of specialists in the fields of arts and art training, as well as authors, critics and artists, e) the exchange of theatre, opera, ballet, music, art and folklore groups or individual performers and experts, f) the development of contacts in the field of cinema, through exchange of movies and participation in international film festivals organized by the other country, g) the exchange of information and visits of experts concerning cultural heritage and most specifically in the fields of archaeology, history of art, museology, fine arts, conservation, restoration, architecture, materials and structural assessment, h) the exchange of information on the works related to the protection and conservation of natural, architectural, historical and cultural monuments, complexes, sites, objects and works of art, i) the organization of bilateral events for the studying of issues related to the protection of cultural heritage ARTICLE 6 The Parties shall encourage their cooperation in the fields of intellectual property and related rights. ARTICLE 7 The Parties acknowledge the importance of sports as a means of consolidating world peace and promoting brotherhood and friendship among peoples and individuals They also acknowledge the significance of the educational, social and recreational mission of sports, as well as its particular contribution to public health. Consequently, the Parties shall seek to encourage broader co-operation in the fields of sports and physical education, so as to have direct contacts between state sport organizations in both countries. The content and the details of this collaboration which shall include the possibility of co-operation between sports organizations in the two countries, shall be determined by the aforementioned state organizations. ARTICLE 8 The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between the radio and television organizations of the two countries including TRT and ERT S.A. aiming at the signing of a co-operation Protocol. The Parties shall also co-operation between their national news agencies (AA and APE) aiming of a co-operation Protocol. ARTICLE 9 For the implementation of the present Agreement, a joint Turkish-Greek Committee shall be set up. The aforesaid Committee shall meet every three years, alternatively in each Party’s capital, with a view to elaborate, negotiate and conclude the Executive Programmes of the present Agreement. ARTICLE 10 The present Agreement shall enter into force on the date the Parties shall have notified each other, through diplomatic channels, of the completion of all necessary formalities required by their respective internal legislation to this end. Upon the entry into force of the present Agreement, the operation of the 1951 Cultural Agreement between the Parties shall be terminated. The present Agreement shall be without prejudice to previous arrangements agreed by the two Sides since 1952 with respect to minority rights on educational issues. ARTICLE 11 The present Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years. Then, unless denounced by either Party up to six months prior to the expiry of the said period, it shall automatically be renewed for the next five-year period. Done in duplicate February 2000, in the Turkish, Greek and English languages. All are equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. For the Republic of Turkey For the Hellenic Republic Ismail CEM George A. PAPANDREOU Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs |