Letter from Mr Ismail Cem, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, to Mr George Papandreou, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Greece, 24 May 1999

Ankara, 24 May 1999
Dear George,I want to share with you my views on ameliorating our bilateral relations. As you also expressed a similar interest to me, I hope these ideas will help us to begin exploration of avenues for possibly moving our relations forward.
Our initial step should be to address the problem of what is perceived in Turkey as links that exist in Greece with terrorist organizations and their systematic encouragement. This is a matter of crucial importance for us and recent events have made it imperative that this issue be handled in an explicit manner and at the bilateral level between our two countries.I, therefore, suggest that Turkey and Greece conclude an agreement to combat terrorism. Resolution of this issue would permit us to approach our known differences with greater confidence. The substance of this agreement may be inspired by accords we have already signed with some of our other neighbors, but is should also be specific to the nature of the problem as it affects our relations. We have some further ideas in this respect which we are ready to share with you.
I further suggest that parallel to the signing and implementation of such an agreement, we could also initiate a plan for reconciliation. For this purpose, we could benefit from the ideas I had forwarded to the EU in November 1997, emphasizing resort to all the peaceful means referred to in the UN Charter as well as those I placed on the table back in February-March 1998 that enjoyed positive echoes from international circles as being constructive and realistic. Certainly, we would be open to new ideas, too.
If you think we can proceed on these two categories of action, we might instruct our high official to come together and have them meet and begin to discuss these matters and privacy.
Waiting for your response, I present my warm regards and best wishes.
Ismail Cem


Lisansüstü çalışmalarını Türkiye'nin Yunanistan'la olan uyuşmazlıkları üzerine yürüttü. Türkiye'nin dış politikası ve dış politika krizleri özelinde çalışmalarını yoğunlaştırmaktadır. www.tdpkrizleri.org / www.tfpcrises.org / www.turkishgreek.org sitelerini hazırlamaktadır.

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