The Republic of Turkey and the Hellenic Republic hereafter called ‘the Parties’,

Aware of the necessity to protect the environment in order to ensure the quality of life in both countries and recognizing that environmental protection is an essential element of sustainable development.

Taking into account the relevant provisions of the Rio Declaration as well as the Agenda for the 21st Century, approved by the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

Have agreed as follows:


Article 1
The Parties hereby agree to develop scientific and technical cooperation in the field of the prevention of pollution and the protection of the environment within the principle of sustainable development.

Article 2
The Parties shall cooperate on the basis of mutual benefit for the protection of the environment in the sectors included in the attached annex. They shall exchange scientific, technical and legal information among governmental bodies and shall encourage such exchanges among academic institutions, non governmental organizations and private firms. To this end, they shall also organize symposiums, seminars, workshops and meetings of experts on issues covered by the Memorandum.

Article 3
The Parties shall encourage participation of non-governmental organizations and the civil society in the activities that will be carried out on the basis of this Memorandum.

Article 4
The Parties shall encourage cooperation on the prevention of pollution and on the mitigation of harmful influences of human activities on the environment, with a view to attain a sustainable management policy of environmental resources.


Article 5
Each Party shall bear the costs of its own participation in the activities carried out under this memorandum. The Parties will also explore ways and means to obtain financing from appropriate international sources.


Article 6
Nothing in this Memorandum shall prejudice other existing or future agrements concluded between the Republic of Turkey and the Hellenic Republic.

This Memorandum will not affect the rights and commitments of the Parties with respect to third states or regional integration organizations.

Each Party may communicate the results of their cooperation to third parties after mutual consent of the Parties.


Article 7
All activities under this Memorandum shall be carried out in conformity with the national legislation of the Parties.


Article 8
The Parties shall establish a ten member Joint Committee comprising five representatives from the respective competent authorities of each side. This Committee may request the Parties to designate corresponding coordinators on each specific field of activity.

These coordinators shall report to the Joint Committee the results of their activities.

The Joint Committee shall, inter alia,
a) manage the activities under this Memorandum and agree on matters of future policy and
b) receive submissions of projects and other proposals for cooperation including those from the coordinators.


Article 9
This Memorandum shall enter into force one month following the date of exchange of notes between the Parties informing the completion of their required national formalities for its entry into force, and, shall remain in force for three years. Its validity shall be automatically extended for further three-year periods unless denounced by either Party upon three-month prior written notice. Either Party upon three-month written notice to the other Party may terminate this Memorandum. This Memorandum may be amended at any time upon mutual consent of the Parties. The termination of the Memorandum shall not effect the validity or duration of activities agreed upon pursuant to this Memorandum and initiated prior to such termination.

Done in duplicate in Ankara on 20th of January 2000 in Turkish, Greek and English languages. All texts are equally authentic.

In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Republic of Turkey        For the Hellenic Republic
Ismail CEM                                George A. PAPANDREOU
Minister of Foreign Affairs         Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Following items are identified as possible areas for cooperation:

– ENERGY PRODUCTION: Exchange of know-how and cooperation regarding environmentally friendly energy (wind and solar energy, small hydroelectric plants and energy saving technologies).

– DESERTIFICATION: Studies on prevention of soil erosion and rehabilitation programmes. Cooperation in the framework of Annex IV of the Convention for Combating Desertification.

– COMBATING MARINE POLLUTION: Training programmes, methodologies, new technologies, waste reception facilities at harbours.

– ADOPTION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: Studies on the quantity and quality of solid wastes, on recycling of wastes and on designing spaces for the disposal of wastes. Exchange of technical information.

– PREPARATION OF JOINT PROGRAMMES & EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECO-TOURISM: Programmes from linking eco-tourism regions with similar characteristics. Promotion of organisation of conferences and meeting in such areas. Studies for the impact of tourism on ecologically sensitive areas.

– EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Studies to determine the main sectors of activity where the principle of the environmental impact assessment could be usefully applied. Creation of a data base in both countries concerning works that have an impact on the environment and for which an environmental impact assessment would be highly useful.

– ENCOURAGING NGOs COOPERATION IN BOTH COUNTRIES: Exchange of experiences and visits between NGOs. Examine the possibilities to encourage closer cooperation between NGOs.

– LAND-BASED SOURCES OF POLLUTION: Studies and establishment of systems for the exchange of information between the two parties. Exchange of technologies and know-how.

– EARTHQUAKE ISSUES: Cooperation on topics such as damage evaluation, antiseismic code studies and eventual modification proposals.

– OLIVE STONE EXPLOITATION: To facilitate cooperation among competent national entities for the exploitation of olive stones in order to produce energy for heating purposes.

– FOREST FIRES EXTINCTION: Exchange of information and know-how through meetings of experts.